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A Complete Guide to Legal Marketing

Written by Grace Spencer | Oct 27, 2021 3:36:00 PM


Law firms need to engage in effective legal marketing to stand apart from competitors and appeal to their audiences. Unlike other businesses, law firms need to build trust among audiences who may not require their services until years after initially coming across their brand.

Consistent marketing is crucial for making sure people not only remember but trust a law firm. If you want to get the most from your legal marketing strategy, the following are some legal marketing tips for developing the perfect campaigns. 

Create Your Brand 

Marketing strategies for law firms include highlighting your brand, as in, your voice, your values, and what you stand for, above anything else. Your brand will be the key to standing out in Kansas City. The objective is to effectively differentiate yourself from the other firms in the same practice areas, keeping you top-of-mind among audiences. 

When creating your brand, align it with customers who share the same values as you and your legal team. This will help clients determine what kind of experience they can expect at your law firm. Your brand must convey quality, trust, confidence, competence, value, and more.  

To convey your brand message and ensure that people recall and recognize your brand, keep all messaging, creative, and advertising consistent across all platforms. Over time, people will become more familiar with your brand as you form a specific identity that audiences come to know. This can go a long way in building trust until the time comes for prospects to schedule a consultation.  

Establish Your Client Personas 

When pinpointing the ideal target client, start by developing a semi-fictional persona of a perfect client your firm wants to attract. Decide on the demographics you want to pursue. Additionally, develop personas based on clients' behaviors, background, motivations, challenges, and pain points.  

In some cases, law firms may offer multiple services and advertise each practice area. For each campaign, create a unique persona based on clients served in each practice area. Well-thought-out client personas can inform your ads' and content's creative and language. This will help make sure you're truly speaking to your audiences. Otherwise, your campaigns may come off as too impersonal, generic, and generally forgettable.  

Understand Your Marketing Funnel 

Every prospective client needs to travel down the marketing funnel. Moving clients along the buyer's journey from the awareness stage to the decision stage is crucial in achieving this. However, you need to know how to bring people into the marketing funnel to get them to travel to the bottom. 

During the awareness stage of the buyer's journey, your ads and marketing materials should introduce people to your brand. Let people know what you're about and the kinds of problems you solve. Then, during the consideration stage in the middle of the funnel, clients will become aware of your firm and better understand the problem they want to solve. Here is where they'll learn about your solutions and may reach out to you. Finally, during the decision stage, clients are ready to convert and hire your firm. At this point, the client will trust your law firm and want to receive representation. 

If you're an established firm, you likely already have clients in some type of funnel. Knowing where clients are in the funnel can help you determine where to focus your marketing efforts. For example, you may have many clients in the consideration stage, but something keeps them from converting. In helping them move to the decision stage, think of specific pain points you can address or how your firm differs from others in your representation. This can get more people to reach out to you and hire your attorneys. 

Optimize Your Website 

When they require a lawyer, people will start looking both online and near their location. Use good search engine optimization (SEO) practices for your website to ensure people find you instead of competing firms. Your website may be the first point of contact with your firm, making it important to leave an excellent first impression with memorable, valuable, and informative content. Having a well-optimized and value-rich website can help your law firm achieve maximum success. 

On your website, give people a way to connect with you and get more information. Make call to action (CTA) buttons clear and easy to follow. Your CTAs could encourage people to request more information, follow you on social media, or schedule a consultation. Additionally, be sure to list your services, create an in-depth "about us" page, and show social proof in the form of reviews and testimonials. Meanwhile, blogs can further drive traffic and interest while educating audiences about various industry topics. 

Build a Winning Legal Marketing Strategy with a Trustworthy Media Partner 

Legal marketing strategies for law firms can help boost engagement and conversions, but your campaigns need plenty of attention to do so. To help you get the best results from your marketing efforts, consider turning to a dependable media partner. An experienced partner will be able to build solid campaigns that connect to potential clients and drive conversions.