Everyone has been spending more time at home this year, and any home improvement needs that have been put off are glaringly obvious. Many are anxious to make their home/office/school look nicer and function better for the expanded use. With the rise in demand, the home improvement industry is expected to reach almost $455 billion by 2023.
By working with a media partner, you will learn how to grow your business with strategic, cost-effective marketing campaigns. There is a huge opportunity right now for those in the home improvement business to capitalize. Here are a few ideas for maximizing your ROI with your home improvement advertising.
Run a Commercial
For many years, the most effective way of advertising your business was to run a commercial. Before social media, television was the only way to reach people outside your immediate area. Today, TV ads are still an incredibly effective way to advertise, as evidenced by the forecast for political advertising for the 2020 elections. BIA Advisory Service estimates $6.55 billion will be spent on local political advertising, with $3.08 billion or 47% of total political spending in 2020 used for over-the-air TV commercials.
Host Video Testimonials
There are few things more impactful than a first-hand testimonial from a customer. If you have helped to renovate a home, have made a family home more accessible for aging in place, or created a client's dream home, positive experiences are the best advertising you can have. Ask your customer if you can record their testimonials and use them on your website, social media, or within commercials.
Feature Before and After Photos
On home improvement websites and television shows, no matter how great the result is, it doesn't make you go "wow" until you see the way everything looked before the transformation. Leverage the power of digital marketing to show every prospective client the potential for their home by posting both the before and after photos of your projects on your website and social media. These kitchen renovation projects on Houzz are stunning once complete, but they aren't nearly as dramatic without the comparison with the before pictures.
Sponsor Lifestyle Segments
With the popularity of home improvement television, there are numerous ways to leverage that consumer segment. A media partner who has expertise in lifestyle marketing can help you reach a whole new customer base by leveraging a wider audience loyal to existing programming. It could be a quick featured lifestyle segment during a newscast. These segments offer something for everyone, from fashion to beauty, home improvement, culinary segments, and more. Sponsored segments that offer DIY tips or tricks can help build brand awareness, can emphasize some of your best work, or can help highlight charitable causes you support.
Publish a DIY Series on Social Media
Social media is a powerful marketing tool. Many have already found success by posting DIY series on social media, and even won awards for their creativity. The Shorty Awards celebrates the most successful content on Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Tumblr, Vine, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook that show followers how to accomplish their DIY dreams. The 8th annual Shorty Awards winner was Threadbanger, the Mythbusters of Pinterest ideas.
Not only will this strategy entice new followers to your sites, but your followers will feel as if they have a personal connection to you. It can be as simple as DIY tips and tricks or as in-depth as a behind the scenes segment on a lifestyle program. If you doubt the power of personal connection, look at the phenomenal success of Chrissy Teigen's cooking segments on Instagram. With 31 million followers on her personal account and 1.3 million followers on her Cravings by Chrissy Teigen account, her Instagram segments have contributed to phenomenal cookbook sales and an entire cookware line.
A Digital Marketing Strategy Can Return Huge ROI for Your Home Improvement Business
No matter what you choose to put your money into, you want to know you'll get a good return on that investment. If your goal is to grow your home improvement business and increase profits, working with a media partner is an excellent way to get the ROI you've envisioned. Statistics prove that targeted content marketing increases customer interest and interaction.
Eighty-seven percent of businesses target social media for their digital marketing. That means that your stiffest competitors are already making their presence known and engaging customers that may not know about you yet. What are the most effective ways to reach your target audience and convert that to sales?
It could be television advertising, lifestyle segments, video testimonials, or a DIY series on social media. A media partner can help you develop a strategy that is most effective for your unique business. With the right digital marketing strategy, you can expect to reap many times the investment you make in your marketing.