Leveraging the Power of National Magazines for Your Local Business

Judy Crawford

Judy Crawford About The Author

Jan 4, 2021 2:45:00 PM

Leveraging the Power of National Magazines for Your Local Business

TV and magazines are both effective and popular marketing channels on their own. However, the combination of the two can help you benefit from the best of both worlds. If you want to boost brand awareness by up to 15% or even more, it's essential to use magazine, TV, and digital marketing in an integrated campaign. Through the power of magazine and TV marketing, more people in your target audiences can become aware of your brand, and you'll have the chance to increase conversions.

Want to know more about why you should harness the power of magazine advertising and TV combined? Here are some of the key benefits of marketing your business through magazine ads.

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More Reach

Leveraging the Power of National Magazines for Your Local BusinessUsing both magazine advertising and TV together, you'll have the ability to reach millions of people who engage with both types of media. While some people believe that the magazine industry's popularity is dwindling, the fact is that magazine readership has surged throughout the last ten years. Magazines in the U.S. had around 228.7 million readers in 2019, which is a vast market that you could otherwise be missing out on if you stick to TV or digital alone.

Keep in mind that people who aren't actively watching TV may be reading magazines, and vice versa. This means that connecting with magazine readers could as much as double your reach if these audiences may not find you otherwise. Many TV and magazine audiences are also people who don't go online as much as others, so using a combination of both can be a far-reaching counterpart to your online campaigns.

Increased Visibility

Another advantage of using both TV and magazine advertising is increasing visibility among prospective and existing customers. Increased visibility also increases ROI, as more people recall your brand while your ads keep you in front of audiences consistently. Audiences who watch TV and read magazines may even encounter your brand in both mediums, keeping your brand at the top of their minds and further building trust and recognition.

For example, a retailer may advertise in both a men's health magazine and TV programs that are popular among men aged 20 to 40. Many audiences may engage with both sources as they see the same brand appear at different times. The same audience who encountered the magazine ad may see the TV ad in the same week or month. As a result, that brand will appear more familiar and have a better chance of resonating with those audiences, who come to associate that brand with their interests. As those people enter the sales funnel, they'll be more likely to trust your brand and move more quickly toward a sale.

With more visibility, your brand will be able to appeal to wider audiences and further make sure that you're not forgotten.

Heightened Credibility

Leveraging the Power of National Magazines for Your Local BusinessTo ensure that they're consumer-ready, both TV and magazine advertising campaigns require sufficient planning before launch. You will need to invest more money and time into your strategies with a clear marketing roadmap, especially if you want your ads to appear in popular TV networks or programs and magazines. In the process, you will need to establish a sufficient marketing budget that can help you take full advantage of TV and magazines while maintaining affordability and maximizing your reach.

If your brand appears in popular media, including both magazines and TV along with digital ads, audiences are more likely to perceive your brand as credible. If your brand seems willing to spend money on far-reaching ads and those platforms appear to trust your brand, this can go a long way in building trust among audiences. People tend to favor brands that their favorite media supports, as they understand that magazine and TV networks' reputations are on the line.

For instance, a prospect may see your ad on TV one day. The following day while lounging at home, that same individual may come across your ad in his or her favorite magazine. That person may recognize your business based on both ads and perceive you as credible because of these notable appearances. Eventually, if they encounter your ads even more on TV, in magazines, or online, audiences will be more likely to trust you and make a purchase when they're ready to buy.

Your ads can have a lot of influence when they appear in national magazines with large audiences, with the potential of encouraging 62% of readers to take action after seeing your ads.

Combine Both National Magazine and TV Ads to Get the Best Results

Using both TV and magazine ads for your business, you can increase brand awareness, visibility, recognition, credibility, and sales among both audiences. In addition to both of these channels, you can use digital advertising and other efforts to extend your reach further and achieve optimal results.

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