If you run a home services business, it undoubtedly plays a huge role in your life. For many business owners, it is their life. You have a lot on your plate, from scheduling appointments to providing estimates to sending out invoices, not to mention completing the work itself!
When overwhelmed with work or a full schedule, many busy owners feel like they need to put advertising on the back burner until things settle down. However, consistent advertising is crucial for maintaining your company's momentum. Let's talk about three big reasons you should continue advertising your home services business even when you have a full schedule.
Customers Can Come in Waves, Especially for Seasonal Industries
A lot of service businesses are seasonally-driven. In other words, they're usually only booked up during peak season. An HVAC company that stays busy during the winter and summer may experience lulls during the spring and fall, for example.
Spring sees an increase in home improvement, where between March and May 2020, about 57% of American homeowners completed at least one project. Companies offering home improvement services experienced an uptick in sales from consumers already interested in their products.
You need to maintain your advertising momentum through the peak season to maintain consistent business during the slow times. Brand-building is a year-round project. Even if you can't currently take on more clients, you want to increase brand awareness when you have downtime in your schedule.
Clients Aren't Always Ready to Start Work
Whether it's a new paint job, a heat pump replacement, or another project, people may not be ready to hire you to handle the job immediately. After all, these tasks usually involve a significant investment. The homeowner may need time to research before selecting a company or to save up funds.

That illustrates the importance of nurturing leads through consistent advertising, especially since nurtured leads spend an average of 47% more on your product. Consistently advertising your brand, you'll keep your company top-of-mind for the consumer base, so when someone finally does need work done, they will think of your business first. They’ll also be more trusting of your brand, encouraging them to hire you for additional services or pay for premium services.
Regardless of Your Industry, Ad Consistency is Key
Regardless of which industry your business is in, ad consistency is a vital way to build recognition of your brand, develop trust, and aid recall. Successful branding campaigns from the recent past, Nike's classic "Just Do It" campaign or the famous "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" campaign from Old Spice are memorable because they’re consistent. Consistency was a critical factor in each of these campaigns’ successes and contributed to the top-of-mind awareness around each brand.

While you may not have the budget of these corporate giants, you can follow their model. Investing in a continuous advertising process gets your name out to your customer base and helps prospects think of your brand before your competitors come to mind. Of course, you should try to utilize different advertising methods, like digital, TV, or print.
What if you are afraid of turning away customers during peak season? Even that could indirectly contribute to your brand reputation. If you’re constantly booked, it indicates you’re in high demand. That communicates to customers that you must be providing good service. People will understand that, and even if you have to turn them away the first time, they will likely check back again at a later date.
Keep Your Momentum Rolling with Continuous Advertising
It's crucial to maintain a continuous program of advertising despite the other duties you have to handle. If you do, you'll be able to:
- Bring in customers consistently during your slow season
- Nurture leads who aren't ready to buy at the moment but will be in the future
- Enhance your brand image and increase your brand awareness
Whether you enlist the aid of an experienced media partner or decide to go it alone, don't neglect consistent advertising for a moment. Even though it may be difficult during your busy times, a consistent advertising plan will help you to grow your home services business for now and years to come.