How to Navigate the Current Ever-Changing Marketing Landscape

In the current marketing landscape, businesses are finding it particularly difficult to predict anything. With the lingering uncertainty around the pandemic and other factors, it's challenging to anticipate any specific changes in the near future....

How to Plan Your Annual Marketing Budget for 2022

2021 has been unpredictable for advertisers, making it hard to stick to their annual marketing budgets. Nobody wants to waste valuable ad spend, but you also need to pivot your strategy when something isn't working. As we head into 2022,...

A Complete Guide to Legal Marketing

Law firms need to engage in effective legal marketing to stand apart from competitors and appeal to their audiences. Unlike other businesses, law firms need to build trust among audiences who may not require their services until years after...

The Art of Creating a Brand Story People will Love

Marketing is a science, with complex numbers and analytics guiding best practices and how to structure your subsequent campaigns. However, creating a brand story that sets the foundation for your marketing approaches is more of an art.  

You and...

Does Your Advertising Strategy Need a Revamp?

While the pandemic hit many businesses hard, others have flourished, regardless of being essential or not. Advertising strategy is the one thing that the most successful, long-enduring companies do differently. Savvy marketers know that...

Recruitment Marketing: Using TV Advertising to Find New Talent

A large number of businesses are struggling to hire right now, but taking a new approach can help you find excellent prospects. To recruit people who are genuinely worth bringing on to your team, you need to use the right channels to reach your...

How to Expertly Define Your Target Market

When you define your target audience, you can use your ads to speak directly to customers’ needs, driving more sales for your business. Before you can begin advertising, you need to know your target market. Otherwise, your advertising may not...

4 Benefits of Cause Marketing: Grow Your Brand While Doing Good

If you want to align your company’s core values with your audience while strategically growing your brand, cause marketing is a powerful way to campaign. With cause marketing, businesses can support a cause while raising brand awareness,...

Retailers Get Ready: Holiday Shoppers Are Coming Back This Year

Last year, the holiday season was unlike any we’ve seen. This year, it’s time for retailers to brace for returning shoppers, develop new marketing approaches, and overcome possible challenges to make the road to a successful season as accessible...

Advertise to an Older Audience with KCTV5's Aging In Style Campaign

Businesses with older audience demographics may wonder how best to reach them and struggle to develop a solution. However, there are some great ways to strategize marketing to older groups. In addition to other types of strategies, businesses can...